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30 September 2013



Today's photos are up, I think. Let me know of any issues, as always.

55, today's Participation 4 and Solutions are up.


So, as I mentioned on several occasions today, I am still having trouble getting your names down.  Well, not for all of you...but I am sad that I haven't gotten to know more of you so far.

Does the band name ring a bell? At all?

I'll understand if you prefer to keep your distance. Just a thought.

Oh, and last, but not least:


29 September 2013

Quick one...

...just to say that I think I now have the updates done for this weekend.

Homework, Lecture Notes, some Practice Worksheets, Quiz Solutions...oh, and as a supplement to your syllabus, I have posted the Official Napa Valley College Student Learning Outcomes* for each course.

I hope you're having a nice weekend so far.  I'll see you soon.

There were other candidates, but I went with the classic.

* - you can tell those are important from the capitalization

28 September 2013



Looks like I'll be hanging around the house and working today, so check for some updates later. I suppose I could post again when they're done...

Yeah, my better half will be off having fun.  Hope you'll find some as well.

Have a great day.

Actually, it's the 28th of September. Looks like a fun party, though.

26 September 2013

26 September

Looks like the photos made it to the web. Check 'em out if you like!

I was thinking about writing more, but I am not feeling up to it any more.

I do want to let you know, though, that I'll be on campus (albeit briefly, as things stand at this moment) tomorrow, so if you needed a minute...or two...

"As you do..."


25 September 2013

25 September

Today's photos are up.

Here's a bumper sticker that I used to have on my truck.

Get it?

Then I got rear-ended and it was gone, along with a bit of my good health.

That sucked.

I try not to get too bitter about things.  It's not easy, though.  One of the things I try to do is have a little fun when I can, here and there.  I like to laugh.  I like to see people laugh.  It doesn't always work.

Trying to help can also be hard.  But I'll keep it up as long as I can.

You're worth it.

I can still hit those high notes, almost.

24 September 2013

24 September

Good evening!

Photos up.

120, P2 and its solutions are up.  Don't feel as though you're supposed to achieve whatever simplification I chose to perform...focus on process.  I swear, I'm not trying to "troll" you.

I can pull this off. It is not pretty. I am horrible.

I'm feeling very...frustrated, I guess.  About a lot of things. We'll all pull through, though.

After all, life isn't always a bed of...

I should post a photo album of all of our beautiful.

Good night.

23 September 2013

23 September

Hi... are up.  Grading "catch-up" continues.  How are you?

Well, I hope.  See you soon.

This (LP) album contains three tracks. It's excellent.


Wouldn't you know, I forgot about those Quiz Solutions I promised you.

Until just now, that is.

Good night...

Dark have been my dreams of late...but this is nice.

21 September 2013

Just a little rain...


Quick note to say Homework has cycled, a few more practice worksheets are up...and I hope you're doing well.

What, exactly, is the mystery of the quotient?
Enjoy the weekend.

19 September 2013


Hey, hello there.

Photos from today should be up, and I also fixed a major issue with 55 photos from Monday...(sigh)

I guess I must have been worn out; not as many photos today.  I hope we all will have a chance to catch up on some rest this weekend.  Starting...tomorrow?  Sure, why not?  Just watch out for the rain, tomorrow evening through Saturday.

We may not be together, but let's share a cuppa even so.  What do you say?

Hello Boss!

Really, you guys are the best.  Good night.

Two by Clapton? In one week? I'm surprised too.

18 September 2013

Over the Hump

Hey, what's up.

The photos, for one thing. Or, rather, maybe 35 things.

You said it all, what you said there.

Let's see...anything else?

Oh yeah, if anyone tells you that the Dead's fall 1974 European mini-tour was flat, listless and uninspired, you can say: "Yeah, but there were moments, right?"

Because there were.

Sometimes, before the show even started.

Fare you well...

17 September 2013

Tuesday 17 September

Well, 55 P3 solutions and the photos from today should be up...and even though I tried to cut down a bit, today saw the most photos of any day yet.  I mean, 15 for one class.


Well, fine, I thought it was a lot.



(runs away crying)


16 September 2013

Monday Night Math

Hello, how's things?

I think the photos should be up, and 55 has today's P3 to consider further if desired.  Its solutions should be ready by tomorrow at some point.

I'm going to have to stop assigning work to you guys - I can't keep up with reading and grading it.

Just kidding...

Ahhh, the Ice Cream Kid!
Believe it or not, there is a slight connection to Monday Night Football here.

15 September 2013

Sunday 15 September

Hey, just wanted to check in to let you know that by now (!), the web-weekend-update should be nearly complete.  Homework, Lecture Notes and such.

Now I have to finish some other stuff.  Hope you are enjoying the weekend and I'll look forward to seeing you soon.


13 September 2013

By the way...

...I just have to share this because it made my day yesterday.  Turned in with a quiz...


12 September 2013


Hey there, photos are up and so is a Participation set for 108.

I expect tomorrow may find more materials making their way toward the site...look for stuff Saturday, and you should be fine.

I'm...fine.  Everything's fine.  Let's just keep telling ourselves that!

As a nod to today's debacle in 90, here's one of the creepier tunes out there:

It sounds better if you replace "kiss" with "math."
Just kidding.

Sort of a 108 theme here:

Best hair. Great artist.

Finally, for 120:

If you don't know Aretha, for shame.

55, you'll have to wait. I got nuthin' for ya!

And that's "fine"-al.

11 September 2013


Yeah, it's late...I got today's photos up a little while back and am now working on some other stuff.  Scintillating!

It just never ends.

Take care!

I always love the lyric vids.
Let's all sing along, shall we?

10 September 2013

09 September 2013


Hey, I got the photos up a couple of hours ago (I think).  Clicking along working on some other crap for a little while longer.

See you tomorrow!

(I was going to post a video of a song about Mondays, but then I decided against it)

Long time

One thing I've found as I get older is that my work pace has slowed. Certain things just seem to take forever.

Case in point? Processing all of your stuff!  I'm still at it. :(

However, Homework is now available, so check it out and I'll see you soon.

Pond looks cooler at night, though.

07 September 2013

Dinner time again

I will have your Homework up after that. Hope you are well!

05 September 2013


I'm on the photos...glad to have the camera back.  How are you?

Tonight seems to be a very SPORTS kind of night. Whatever your night is, enjoy it.


04 September 2013


Hey, have you seen my phone?  It's a little Lumix with a green wrist strap. And I miss it. :(