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27 November 2013



Photos from today and MATH 55's Participation 5 are now available (I think).

I might not get much done the next couple of days, for obvious reasons.

Maybe you should take a break, too.

I hope that whatever your plans may be, they include time with those you love.

I wish you all the best, as always.  Take care.

May the good times be yours.

26 November 2013



Photos from today are up.

I just spent a little time watching the end of "Bullitt." Not a bad film.

He was once the height of cool.

Hope you're having a nice evening.  Take care.

He was, too.

25 November 2013

Monday Night


Photos from today are up.

I will be up for a while myself.

Hope you're doing well.


22 November 2013



I did post photos last night (at least, I thought I did).

I also have some HW updating going on now, to be posted very soon.

We'll see how the rest of the day pans out.  Hope none of you were/are affected by the wildfire outside Napa, or wind damage generally.  It's supposed to diminish overnight, from what I'm seeing.

Kind of an interesting day in many ways, but that's just like every day.

Take care.


20 November 2013

Out of Line


I got the photos from today to post, although for some reason the server was a bit balky.  I hope you don't experience any difficulties should you wish to check them out.

I have also been tracking the delay in getting new homework was supposed to be over the weekend, but I didn't get it done. Probably tomorrow night, and then I'll try to get back on schedule.

Probably done for the night, that is.  Take care.

That's pretty good, I guess.

19 November 2013



The 120 morning group got back to work today, so those photos are up.

120 folks, keep working on that Exam section due tomorrow...and everyone else, try to put the Exam you've taken out of your mind for a little while.

Take care.


14 November 2013

120 Update

Part One of the Second Examination is now available.

Due Wednesday, 20 November 2013.

Read the instructions carefully, please.

Good luck.


Got the photos up early tonight.


Take care.

Technical difficulties won't stop them.

13 November 2013



Photos up.

I'm out.

Just take two minutes and watch the damn thing.

12 November 2013

Back at it

Photos are up, as far as I know.

Have a nice evening.

Such theater.

11 November 2013

Veterans Day

I would like to thank all veterans for their service to our country.

Veterans in my courses, I wish I were better at finding ways to support you and give more thanks than just this.

I have been working on a few things and some stuff has been uploaded.

I also need to let you know that my office phone has been upgraded, and my phone number is new:

(707) 256-7763

It actually wasn't working for a while (I am not sure how long) earlier this term.  If I missed your call, I am sorry.  Yet you are not, by now, surprised at my unprofessionalism.

Take care.

07 November 2013

Back again

Sorry I missed my mark last night.

Everything is up-to-date, I think.  Let me know if you need anything.

Here was some nice art from today:

Thanks, unknown artist.

You guys, it's rough.

Good night.

Gord was gold.

05 November 2013

Tuesday night


Quick note here, photos and such are up.

Sorry for delays and dissatisfactions.

A brilliant, tragic band.

04 November 2013

Fell back

I did get the photos posted.

Trying to get caught up from what I missed this weekend.

Today really sucked.

Hard to believe he was already 71.
Harder to believe he's gone.

02 November 2013

Up and Around


Yesterday I was hoping to share with you how I was trying to get caught up, even getting some extra work in on a Friday.

I was also planning to show how poorly we did on Halloween.  I think we had three trick-or-treaters, so now we have quite a bit of candy left.  Maybe I should leave it out on the street for passersby.

Clearly, that didn't happen.  As it turned out, I was in bed all day after a few hours in the early morning being violently ill.  It was just plain awful.


I am not sure what really happened, but it doesn't matter now.  I am trying to feel my way back into health today, and I hope to get some work done along the way.  No promises, for things are still kind of "iffy."

I hope you had a happy Halloween and are doing well this weekend.

From 41 years ago.