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30 January 2014

30 January

Better late than never?

The truth hurts.

Photos should be up. I probably shouldn't be.

Take care!

Forgotten man?

29 January 2014

29 January

Hi, there.

Photos are going up as I am typing this.

As always, let me know of any difficulties...

...and have a nice evening.

Goofy and great.

28 January 2014

28 January


I am just getting the photos up now...should be done pretty soon.

These things take time, you know.

Slow and steady...

Hope you are having a nice evening.

I am also hoping for some rain...

They look...clean-cut.

27 January 2014

27 January


Photos from today are up.

I also got in a little bit of work on a few other items.  Yay.

Sharks lost to the Kings, though. Boo.

Pretty much.

Not much else going on, I guess.  Take care; see you soon.

Not bad for a first album.

25 January 2014



Just letting you know that tomorrow night my site will be down, maybe for as long as a couple of hours.  It's a maintenance/upgrade from my host, so not much I can do about it.

Try to plan accordingly.  Have a nice evening!

25 January

Good morning.

I did get some page updates posted last night, but ran out of time to finish everything I'd meant to do. 

I think I have now completed those tasks!

Each course should have:
  • a web page
  • a first Participation Assignment
  • solutions (if applicable)
  • access to the information and surveys on Learning Styles

That is probably all for now.  Have a great weekend!

Yes, there is an introduction.

Speaking of fighting, in hockey news:

Tonight the Anaheim Ducks play the Los Angeles Kings at Dodger Stadium.

Feel free to talk about how unfair that is to the San Jose Sharks in the comments.  Or whatever, I don't care.

23 January 2014

23 January


I think the site is now updated with today's have at it!

It was nice to meet all of you over the last couple of days.  I hope you'll enjoy the semester, even if that doesn't include the course you have with me.

Take care.

I'm sure there is a variety of reasons.

22 January 2014

22 January

First day of was it?  Feel free to vent in a comment.

Not so interesting.

I wish I could say it gets better.  Parking should, though.

I'm a little slow with the site, but check it out when you can.

Day two, coming up...

I won't stop and falter.

06 January 2014

6 January...!

Yeah, so it took a while to get it all taken into account.

Click here for the grades which I will enter Wednesday.

Take care everyone!  I hope the holidays were blessed and that your New Year is prosperous.
