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20 February 2014

20 February

Status: active.

Photos: posted.


Please don't try, though.

19 February 2014

19 February


Today's photos are up.

I don't know, just take it.

Have you voted in my poll(s)? Tell your friends, invite your family, whatever.

Have a nice evening.

Be the funk.

18 February 2014

18 February


Photos are available...

Here's one!

Be sure to voice your burger opinion in the latest poll, to your left...or in a comment.

Take care.

A burger alternative.

Poll Results

The second poll of this term has closed, and here are the results:

Who is your favorite actor to have played Sherlock Holmes?
  • Benedict Cumberbatch - 5 (35%)
  • Robert Downey, Jr. - 6 (42%)
  • Jeremy Brett - 0 (0%)
  • Basil Rathbone - 1 (7%)
  • Someone else - 0 (0%)
  • Who? - 2 (14%)
The winner, and still champion:

It's my blog, and my poll.

There is another poll up now.  More than 14 responses would be...nice, I guess.  Of course, if you're still going to pick like this...

There's another poll at the bottom of the page, equally interesting to me in its eventual results.

Thanks and take care.

16 February 2014

16 February


Been working a bit, here and there.  Homework, a few Practice Worksheets.

Hope you're enjoying yourself.

For many years I thought this was about Sunday afternoon.
It is sunny today, coincidentally.

14 February 2014



Yesterday's photos are now available.  I was otherwise engaged last night, so that's why they've been delayed.

Hope you'll enjoy what some consider to be nothing more than a "Hallmark holiday."

It's a day named to Saint Valentine, patron saint of many things other than courtly love...such as epilepsy, plague and bee keepers.

An image of the man.

It seems like it's been a looooong week.  Take care during this loooooong weekend.

The warm sound of a true legend's classic.

05 February 2014

5 February

First, let's get this out of the way.

Seriously, people.

Photos up.  Not much else going on tonight.

Hey, I'm sorry if I'm difficult, people.  And yet, nothing's making you stay, right?

My policy. Except at my office.

I actually had a pretty good plan for today's classes.  Shot to hell within the first minute.

So, yeah.  Many f&@%s uttered, none given.

Feel free to hate the player and his game in the comments, or whatever.  I'm out.  Stay dry.

I know.

04 February 2014

4 February

My goodness.

I am so sleepy, I don't even know whether I've done anything I set out to do this evening.

It looks like things are posted...but am I only dreaming?

I like this.

I know you'll shake me out of my slumber if need be.

Your scorn is misplaced.

03 February 2014

3 February

Good evening.

Photos should be up.  I don't really know what else is going on.  I'd say I'm...wait, what was I saying?


Yes, distracted.  Lots to think about.

Like maybe, more rain?  I'm in.

(Nothing to add)

02 February 2014

2 February

Some surprising rain (or snow?), a surprising result in the big game...

...and, surprise!  I got some work done.

Every course should now have more stuff posted than before, including HOMEWORK!

Some of it went up yesterday, actually.  I just faded away as the day went on, and didn't get a note up as I had previously planned.

Not that you were on the edge of your seat, I'm sure.

You're ready, right?

Hope you had a fine weekend and managed to have some fun before things get too intense.

I'd tell you what my friend said about her, but...nah.