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17 December 2015

Almost there

Not much left to do...for you, at least, I hope.

I hope you can manage to get me everything else you wish to have assessed by the end of the day tomorrow.  If you don't know where to go, please check out this map!
I wish you all the best, and I am sorry for the struggles this term.  It hasn't been very good for me.  It rarely seems to be, in fact, but that's another tale.

Enjoy all the best of the holidays, and good luck in the New Year.  Good bye for now!

09 December 2015

07 December 2015

Winding down

Not too many days left, or photos for that matter.  Whew!

Today's are up.  Cheers.

30 November 2015

25 November 2015


I think the last couple of days of photos have been fine-tuned, at least as much as they're going to get.

As I've said, I appreciate all of you.  I wish you a happy Thanksgiving.  I hope to see you on the other side.
He lives in my office.

Take care.

23 November 2015

What happened

Today's photos are up.

That makes about 1,600 for the term so far.  I doubt we'll reach 2,000 for the term, but you never know.  Only a couple of weeks to go...

...can't end soon enough, eh?
Take care.
This person really tries to make compelling visuals

18 November 2015

Break this trap

Today's are up.

Just have to keep plugging away.

Take care.

17 November 2015

Lord I'm so tired

Okay - tonight's photos are up, and I managed to get last night's to finally be visible...I think.

Take care.


16 November 2015


Today's photos are up.

Thanks to those who've offered support and encouragement.  Means a lot to me, really.
Take care.

12 November 2015


Sorry I wasn't able to be there today.  I should be able to return next week.

55 and 90, I posted something for you on the Photographs page for your course.

I'll also email you again to remind you to check out what class might have been like.

Thanks and take care.

05 November 2015

Over you

Photos are up.

Exam Two, Part One is available for MATH 90, 108 and 120.

Good night.

04 November 2015

Same old clown

Fingers crossed that the photos went up and nothing else got bungled.

Take care.

03 November 2015



I think today's stuff is up.  Yesterday's went up last night, but...the site is getting a little weird.  The photograph pages had all sorts of corrupted text and whatnot.  I've spent the last couple of hours chasing down mistakes and trying to rebuild.

I will also be trying to rebuild the score sheet.  I may have mentioned, by the way, that the Reader/Grader doesn't care for me nor respect me, so the HW grading report is delayed until next week, from what I've been told.

Maybe you hate me too, I guess it wouldn't surprise me at this point.

I'm really sorry to all of you, to everyone, for everything.

I feel like giving up, you guys.  Period.

29 October 2015

Cannot be forgotten

The photos went up kind of early...for a change.
Might get some other items posted, might not.

Take care.

28 October 2015

Makes me forget

Today's photos should be available.

Take care.

27 October 2015


Today's photos went up.  Still a few things I need to add to a couple of course photo sections, and a few other items - I hope I will be able to get to that in the next couple of days...?

Thanks and good night.

26 October 2015

Wish I Knew

Today's photos now available...
Taken a bit before 10:30 p.m.

What an awful start to the week!  I don't think I'm going to make it, folks.  There have been some rough semesters before, but...

Have a good night.

23 October 2015

I can't say

I did get the photos up last night. Here's one that isn't math-related.
thanks to the anonymous artist

Have a good weekend.  I will try to post the things that need posting.

22 October 2015

Cold coffee

It was more of a struggle than I'd anticipated...but the photos should be up!
Too late!

Good morning and good night.

20 October 2015

Crazy Food


I think today's photos should now be up.
an image by Yukio Futagawa,
Good night.

Here I am

Got a late start on your materials.  I hope everything - yes, even the things I forgot over the weekend - is now available.



15 October 2015


Today's photos are posted (I THINK), as time is just melting away...
I hope you're fitting things in as you must, and as you wish.

Take care.

14 October 2015

Is all hope lost

So I THINK the photos are up and that the links are updated as well.

Won't you please tell me if they are not?
Thanks very much.

See you soon.

13 October 2015

Talkin' bout

Photos went up a while back...

Had to make a couple of fixes, but I think they're taken care of now.

Have a good night.

12 October 2015

So damn depressed

Photos went up...a few hours ago?  Yeah...

Last blast of heat before the fall settles in?  Maybe.  I'll believe it when I see it.
Not seeing much clearly, though.

Have a good night.

09 October 2015

Turn your pretty head

Looks like I forgot about posting last night!

Well, the stuff went up, that was supposed to go up...I think.

Are we done yet?

07 October 2015

Read your mind

Today's photos are up.

So, uh, some other photos  Did you happen to see them?

Always be aware, you might be watched...or photographed.

Good night.

Successful Project

06 October 2015

Very far

Today's photos: up.

Settling back in to the grind, I know how tough it is...'re making good progress.  Recognize that, give yourself a little credit.

Take care.

05 October 2015

Back in the fight

Photos up from today.

Welcome back!

Perfect pop

01 October 2015

Freedom without

Seven Participations.

Sixteen Homeworks.

Sixteen Quizzes.

Nine Lecture Notes.

One Reader.

Over seven hundred photographs.

Four Exams.

One broken heart.

30 September 2015

Forget your past

No photos today.

Take care.
Kihn you tell I'm sad

29 September 2015

Endless things

Today's material is now available.

So the answer to the question...
God, I wish I knew.

Good night!

The Chairman

28 September 2015

All Nite

Today's photos are up.

The first exam approaches!  Try to get yourself in best condition - and don't forget to get a good night's sleep, okay?  Be sharp!
Take care.

Keep It Simple, Sweetheart

25 September 2015


Just wanted to let you know that the First Review (practice exam) for each class should be available now.  Solutions as well.

Take it easy.

24 September 2015

Cryin' fool


Today's stuff went up.  Plenty left to do.

Expect those practice exams, as promised, tomorrow.  Will that do?  I hope so.

It's really been a tough week.  Can't say exactly why.  Well, I mean, I can, but...
The classic...but not used jokingly here.
...I know it's not your concern.

Take care.  You are working so hard, and I appreciate that.
Take it to the heart

23 September 2015

Nice Guy

Today's stuff...posted.

So yeah, I have plenty of problems.  One must always try, though, to remember that things could probably be a lot worse.  It doesn't make things that much easier to realize this, but every little bit helps, I guess.

Lots of work ahead for all of us.  I will try to be as nice as I can be...


22 September 2015

As one with the knowledge


Today's photos just went up.

Am I a little too real?  Well, maybe.  But I'm not able to stop telling it like it is, friends.
He doesn't look too bad.
Have a nice evening.

Pretty deep. You've been warned.

21 September 2015

Wit's End


I think I've posted most of what I'd intended...wrapping up for the night.

Other than photos and MATH 120 P2, I did add an exercise to 120 HW3...don't know how #28 didn't get there in the first place...(sigh)

Here's the clip that I referenced in a class today.  Thanks to the anonymous commenter for reminding me about it!

Band Geeks

Good night!

Master craftsman

17 September 2015


Yet another week is almost at its close.

I am worn, no question.  Not doing so hot.  Feeling old, kind of isolated perhaps....

You should feel free to vent your dissatisfaction in the comments.

(or at least participate in the poll)

I hope you're doing okay.  I'll check in with you later on...

Days long gone

16 September 2015

Run in the shadows


Today's photos should be posted...

Kind of wet out there.  Stay safe, take care.

Big in Japan

15 September 2015

Bright eyes


Today's photos are now available.

Grading progress is slow, but there is progress...
Take care.

Every now and then

14 September 2015

Takes a lot of pain

Today's photos are up...

Titian's "Sisyphys"


Good night!


10 September 2015


Yeah, it's still hot.

Here's the branch (maybe it's two branches, not sure yet) that fell this morning, raising a ruckus but luckily causing very little damage.

Don't like filters? Fuck off.

Today's photos are up.  Might get some additional material up tomorrow.

It's been a week, hasn't it?  Not even over yet...

...take care.
Yes, it was quite popular you know

09 September 2015


My's hot.

Today's photos are up (as far as I can tell!).

I still haven't done any grading, though.
(somewhere on pinterest)
Try to stay cool...
Nice clip.

08 September 2015


As of today, we are officially sweating it out.  It's bound to end soon, right?

buen video y buen ritmo

In the meantime, today's photos are up.

I have a grading's not really happening yet.

Deal.  (


03 September 2015


Maybe we can finally start to get in a groove.  Week three down.

Please stay safe this weekend.  You may have heard about the sexual assault which took place on campus Monday the 31st, and tonight the news of shooting at Sacramento City College.

It's a dangerous world out there, and I'd like you to stay in it, that's all I'm saying.

Take care.

Stay tuned for another classic from them soon...

02 September 2015

Ain't Often Right


Today's photos are now available.  (Ireland)
How's it going?

I'm tired.  Not doing so hot.  But I'm here for you!

Good night.
A classic rendition, 37 years ago today!

01 September 2015

'Til I Die


Today's stuff is up, including:

  • Photos
  • MATH 90 P2 and solutions
  • Solutions to MATH 108 P2
It's early, I know.

...okay.  From

Fair number of page views comments...that's cool.

Have a great evening!

The Man in Black

31 August 2015

Can Do


Today's material is now available!

R. Crumb, via

Have a great night.

A complex celebrity

29 August 2015



Posted some stuff...remember, the site?

  • Tentative semester calendar went up yesterday. Check it out!
  • 55, 90 and 108 have a first installment of Lecture Notes (120 has a more comprehensive Reader).  Could be useful, one never knows...
  • First Homeworks are posted.  Here's the deal: attempt every question.  Next Saturday, the solutions will be posted so that you can see how you've done.  When you're satisfied, turn it in.  The effort score is recorded.  Sound simple?  It is.  But we'll see how you do...
  • I will probably create some Practice Worksheets later on...check back for those if you wish.

Gotta keep rollin', time don't stop...

An artist you should know

27 August 2015


Two weeks.

Sixteen classroom sessions.

177 photographs (including today's).

The work is just beginning...

So many years ago...

26 August 2015


Today's photos...up!

Just clicking along.  Obviously, yet another crazy day in this old world.

Fragile, indeed.

Take care.

R.I.P. Ron McKernan

25 August 2015



The photos from today are now available.  Thanks for waiting!

Might have been a doze...

See you soon.

Brilliant band.

24 August 2015


It's another week.  The machine is running again!

Photos are up.

Take care.

Mine are.

23 August 2015


I'm sure you have a busy life.  I'm also sure it was nice to not have a Homework assignment over the weekend!

Did you even think about mathematics?  I won't hold it against you if you didn't.  But I thought I'd post a practice worksheet for you to try, if you're interested.

Each course should now have a page titled "Practice Worksheets" and one example to try.  If you do end up turning them in, you have the potential to earn a little extra credit - I might boost a low Quiz score, for example.

In other words, nothing to be lost by giving it a shot...

Lifted by someone from somewhere on Pinterest

Shared by Donovan Barrett Jr.

A couple other bits of content went up, so check it out.  And do take care.

See you soon.

Yet another old British band