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15 October 2013


So yeah, in case you missed it, I took a spill this afternoon and managed to bang myself up a bit.  I haven't seen the video yet, but I'll keep checking the usual sources of "epic fails" and whatnot.

Yeah, I've done that.

Photos from today, in spite of everything, are up (I think).

I hope you're having a good night.  I think we're all probably having a better night than poor Dan Boyle of your San Jose Sharks.

Absolutely gruesome. Disgusting.

(Warning: cheesy philosophical comment ahead)

One thing life teaches you is very simple: existence is a fragile thing, and even doing what you love - with those you love, for those you love - can't always keep you safe.

Take care.

Only thing to do is a little Hair of the Dog.


  1. Owie. I hope your test grading abilities haven't been hindered - unless they've become more liberal - in which case, bring the hurt. And by hurt, I mean love. And by love, I mean liberal grading.
