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31 October 2014

I don't mind


Got yesterday's photos up pretty late (I think? I can't quite remember).

Settling in to a day where I will read as many papers as I can, should be fun.

Hope you are well.  Happy Halloween.

29 October 2014


I guess I haven't posted for days now, and that's not because I haven't been thinking of you...

...I'm just busy.

I think I've kept up with the photos this week so far.

I wish you well.

25 October 2014

Saturday Night

Just checking in, trying to get some things done today (so that I don't have to change the schedule again!).

Homework is getting closer to the transfer, and some other things might happen too.

It's looking like a quiet night around here.  Hope you have some nice times planned.

See you next week.

22 October 2014


Today's photos from 221 and 55 should be available.

I also fixed the grievous error in 221's Monday record earlier today.

120, as I mentioned in class, will have to wait for a while, hopefully not too long though.

Trying to get back on track.  Sorry for the delay.

21 October 2014



The images from yesterday's 221 and 55 (such as they were) are now available, as are today's.

Really very sorry about yesterday, but when emergencies arise, they often do require immediate and complete attention - as this one did.

120 folks, I really regret that it affected you the most.

But there's nothing I'd do differently. That's a fact.

Take care and hope to see you soon.

16 October 2014

I'm gonna sit right here


Today's are up.

Plenty of work ahead this weekend; we'll see how much I'm able to finish.

Take care.

15 October 2014



Today's are up.

I have been remiss in not posting and such, sorry about that.

Don't know if it matters sometimes, I guess, but I should be better.

Like, in everything.

Take care.

12 October 2014

Breaking Point


Made a change to the Tentative Semester Calendar.

No new Homework this week, and the solutions to Assignment 5 will be delayed as well.

I have been working on some other things and also injured my back, which is an inconvenience.

Hope you are doing well.  See you soon.

07 October 2014


Today's photos are up.

Might tinker with a few things later...we'll see.

See you tomorrow.

Have a nice evening.

06 October 2014

04 October 2014

Quick word


I guess I never did check in on Thursday night...sorry about that.

Those photos did go up, and I now have the answers to the Practice Exams up as well...hope they look alright to you.

I am having more typo trouble than usual, and even have been sloppy enough to commit a couple of other errors in the last couple of weeks.  It's not a good situation, and I do appreciate it when those errors are brought to my attention.  It helps everyone!

I'll be working on all the other stuff I have and more will hopefully be posted.  Still trying to stick to the calendar.

Thanks and hope you will have a nice weekend.  Stay cool.

01 October 2014

The News


Today's stuff is available.

Finally got caught up with some stuff.  Getting caught up with the rest soon, I hope.

Yes, I am bit stressed, probably resulting in the irritability.

This shit's kind of important to me, you know?