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27 November 2014



Got yesterday's photos posted, finally.  Sorry I couldn't do it last night.

Hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend!  All my best wishes to you and yours.


25 November 2014

Gong show


I think I've caught up from the past couple of days of photos now.

Last night I was otherwise engaged, so I didn't post.  I am sorry for the delay.

Hope you are well.  Speaking of late, looks like I'm going to be up for a while getting some more work in...

18 November 2014

16 November 2014

Excuses, excuses

For MATH 221 students ONLY:

I have received several messages with varying excuses as to why certain students won't be in class tomorrow.  I will not express any opinion on those messages at this time.

I will say this: if Tuesday's what it has to be, then Tuesday it is.  Bring your Take-Home Part in Tuesday morning.  It's due at the beginning of class.  No more exceptions.

Hope you're well.  Take care.

15 November 2014

Working it out


For three of the four courses, hope you're getting some work in on Part Two of your Exam.  Please resist any urge to cheat.  Let me know if you need anything.

I've been asked to follow up on the email I sent to MATH 221 students to remind you that in number 1, alpha is the constant.

Homework 9 for every course has been added.

Have a great weekend.

09 November 2014

Catch up


I think Reviews and their solutions should be available, and HW 8 Solutions.

I changed the Tentative Calendar (hopefully for the last time) to reflect the fact that I did not produce new HW this week.  I am too tired and have too much other stuff to try to do.

See you tomorrow.

Remember that Tuesday is Veterans Day and the College will be closed.

Take care.

07 November 2014


Hey, some stuff got posted!

More to come. Take care.

Some sad news for these guys, not the first time.
Also not the first time I've posted this.
Not a big deal, I guess.

04 November 2014



I did manage to get today's stuff posted just now...still took longer than I had hoped.  Sorry.

Hope you are well.  See you soon.