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24 December 2016

Merry & Happy


I haven't worked for a few days, but I almost finished before this pause. So I thought I would let you know that I have the last updates of the grade sheet posted, featuring everything as I have it prior to Exam Three...since that's not done yet. I will probably wrap things up early next week.

Please look things over to see that I have everything in its proper place. Grades seldom change when Exam Three gets counted (unless you're on the border between two grades), although that might seem hard to believe. But I need to have everything accurate for that final determination!

I wish you well for Christmas and the New Year. Maybe I'll see you next term, or beyond.

Take care!

23 November 2016

Nearing the End

I think I've posted this same clip (or at least some version of it) for the last few years now.

Because I like it! :)

Happy Thanksgiving.

I'll see you for the last few weeks, the last push.

Take care.

31 October 2016

I Love You Still

I'm not dunked!

Oh well.  Maybe next time.  Sorry, anyone who might have wanted to dunk me!
Looks like they know how to have fun!
Just goes to show...something, I'm sure.
Live from the Lagoon

28 October 2016

Realize my crime

Hey. I put the survey together, did you vote yet?
I'm technologically advanced

Remember, Exam 2 is moved from next week to the following week.
Enjoy the weekend.

18 October 2016


Okay, just finished YESTERDAY'S photos...sorry for the delay, if you were looking for them!

Trying to get back on track...

My references are so dated, what an embarrassment...

21 September 2016

All the Way

Hey, that was a hell of a day, wasn't it?

I got two songs out of it.

Blood, Sweat & Tears 1969

Raspberries, 1972

19 September 2016

Foolish Pride

By this point in the term, you'd think I'd have it "together," whatever that means.


12 September 2016

Afraid I'll Fall

Hey, have you heard that there's an election in November?
It's always interesting to note the small successes and failures in every candidate's campaign, and then, after it's finished, try to see how those ended up impacting the final result.

Some questions:

  • What race are you following?
  • Will your candidate be the winner?
  • What Proposition is closest to your heart?
  • Are you even planning to vote?

I'm sure it will be entertaining, like it always is. Try to enjoy it, and remember - even after it's done, there will be another one before you know it...

...meanwhile, I'll continue showing up, horribly ineffective and generally a wreck.

See you soon.

03 September 2016

Poured it Out

Hey, hope you're doing very well indeed for this long holiday weekend.

I'm puttering away at some projects here and there. Might actually get some things done!

Looks like I've made some friends and such on the social media side - thanks! Remember, though, that you don't have to stay with it - "unfriend" or "unfollow" as you see fit. I'll be okay...really.

See you next week!

30 August 2016

Long As I Live

Nothing to say, just wanted to post this was first performed in concert 38 years ago today.

And it's one of my favorites, sappy as it may be.

I'm such a maudlin fool.

29 August 2016

Comes A Time

I'm sure you'll be thrilled to know that I've reestablished a "professional" presence on a couple of social media sites:




Feel free to be my friend or follower, or not.

Who knows what might happen next?

Stay tuned...

16 August 2016

High Time

Hey there, hope your evening is going well.

I think the site is at least functional for all four courses now, so if you haven't visited and tried your first assignment, why not click here?

I don't know how often I will use this space this year.  I don't usually get too much activity on it, which is fine, although more would be cool as well, I suppose.

I imagine that every so often I will post, a little music clip here and there, maybe some other things for you to consider.

Like this.  Does it do anything for you?  Feel like saying anything about it?

That's what the comments are for. :)

Take care.
A surreal recording.

26 April 2016


Just wanted to let you know that I updated incorrect links and posted today's photos, too.

I hope!

Good night.
Bobby Blue

25 April 2016


Today's photos should be up, if you are interested.

As often seems to happen, although I am still engaged in the work from day-to-day and usually get things posted "as usual," I have given up on posting here.  I am sorry.  It's not you - it's me.

If you would like me to keep posting a music clip and such, just let me know.  I can do it, I just haven't had the heart to, of late.

I hope you are well.
The King

29 March 2016

Left a Scar

Image total as of tonight.  Cool!

Are you happy to be back?  Let's all say yes.


You know I'll always come back to her

11 February 2016

Ain't No Lie

Today's photos are up.

Good night.
The hugely popular Swedes

Try To Make It

Photos available.
Good night.
Truly staggering talent

09 February 2016

Keep On

Today's photos should finally be available.

Take care.
No Peppers.

08 February 2016

Not the Same


I think today's work is complete.  Photos, that's all.

A kind student shared this with me today:
Love the funny pages.

The big game has come and gone.  Life goes on.


04 February 2016

In My Time

I'm running late tonight. Sorry about that.

I do think the photos should be up now.

What a week.
Good night.
Fare you well

03 February 2016


Today's photos are up, as far as I know.

I apologize to the morning group for my outburst in class.  I did not handle the situation as I should have, and that individual did not deserve that response.

I cannot promise improvement.  I can only tell you that I try.  I am aware that may be insufficient for you.

Good night.
The me

02 February 2016

Nothing That I Can Do

Okay - I think today's material is complete as far as photos are concerned.

I may still get the results up for the MATH 121 folks, if you've been practicing...

UPDATE: I did that
...take care.
Pure candy, but somewhat poignant

PS - did you vote in the topical and exciting poll?

01 February 2016

All of My Heart

I think I've finished for the day.

Photos, that is, including those exercises for MATH 121.

Thanks and good night.

Covered many times

28 January 2016

Take Good Care

The photos were kind of a struggle.  Jumbled.  Messy.  I guess that's how things went, though.  I hope they are now posted, and that they're not too hard to follow...

...but I just don't know, folks.  I'm worried that I'm getting harder to follow, as I wend my way toward-

Forget it.

I hope you're okay and that you'll be well for the weekend.

Oh yeah, and one last thing.

To whoever is responsible for that very generous offering which appeared today in my last classroom...

...I don't know what to say, except that I don't know what I've done to deserve any kindness.  From any of you, honestly.  I'm simply overwhelmed.

Thank you.

Such a talent

27 January 2016

World of Trouble

Hopeful that today's materials are now available.

Have a good night.

Hard to believe this, too

26 January 2016


Running a little later than intended...apologies.

I think today's work is done.

Thank you and take care.

25 January 2016

Hunky Dory

It's entirely possible that today's online content is now available.
Who knows, though, unless you go looking?

Have a nice evening.

Such a loss

21 January 2016

Slowly and surely


Today's work should now be available...the site's growing, in other words.

I just wanted to thank those of you who've taken time to express kind wishes so far.  Unexpected - and very sweet of you.  I am very grateful.

Take care and, if you do decide to return, I hope to see you next week.


20 January 2016

Welcome back

I wish I could say I'm thrilled to be back, you know?  Oh well.  Not your fault, and perhaps not your concern.

If you attended classes today, I hope they went well.  If your first day is tomorrow, then I wish you well.

I think I managed to get today's material posted late this afternoon.  Will you please let me know if you have any trouble finding it?

I'm hopeful for better days ahead, folks.  For all of us.

Take care.
It gets no better than this